Lazio ticket prices, fans in controversy. The confrontation with Rome

Ultras and unorganized supporters invade the web and Roman radios with protests against the club’s ticket policy. With Milan, large empty spaces are foreseen, the yellow and red cousins ​​also sell popular sectors for 10 euros

Discontent, more and more widespread. Lazio fans protest for the carobiglietti. Against Milan, in the next round of the championship, the coupons of the Curva, the popular sector, will cost 40 euros. Many, considering that compared to when there were season tickets, those who went to all the games paid over 300% more than he spent with the card. Few initiatives, little empathy towards the people who, at the end of a season that is anything but exciting, protest. “Now enough, all of you are ashamed, unworthy society – reads the press release from the Curva -. These prices are an insult to the Lazio fan, the one that has always been there, at home and away. Go alone at the stadium. We don’t. we will enter this time. ” And the feeling is that at the Olimpico there will be an invasion of Rossoneri fans.


Already at the beginning of February the fans had protested about the transfer market played by the company. They had therefore excluded the team from the grievances. Now another dispute, this time due to the carobiglietti: on local radios and on social media the discontent is skyrocketing. Many also make the comparison with Roma who, on the other hand, this season have often gone out to meet their fans: for the Conference League semifinal scheduled for May 5 against Leicester, the popular sectors will cost 10 euros, only 14 la Tiber and Montemario grandstands. In Rome-Atalanta the lowest price to enter the stadium was 24 euros, to see Lazio-Atalanta from the Olimpico the cheapest ticket cost 40 euros. If you also consider the package offered by Roma (the matches with Salernitana, Bologna and Venice for a total of 30 euros), you pay less to see the Giallorossi in 3 games than to support Lazio against Milan. A difference that weighs heavily on the Lazio fan and that is also reflected in the turnout at the stadium. In recent months, many people have had to give up going to the stadium because of the too high prices, now even organized supporters are giving up on entering. And discontent is more and more widespread.
