Lazio season tickets, Lotito challenges the fans: ‘I’ll do the prices of Rome’

The new campaign should start within days: but the increase for Juventus supporters is still likely to be high, compared to the costs of 2019

The Lazio season ticket case explodes even before the Biancoceleste club’s campaign is launched. Operation that should take place in the middle of this week: the final details are being fixed, including those of a purely technical-organizational nature. In a phase of increasingly accentuated tension in the relations between president Claudio Lotito and the fans.

“The Lazio people are special, maybe I got used to them too well. The Romanists, on the other hand, are happy even if it goes badly. At the beginning of the season they start to win the championship, but then they are content to fight for other positions ”, said the biancoceleste manager on Thursday evening, speaking in Viterbo at an electoral meeting. Phrases that have sparked controversy via social media. Just on the eve of the return of the season ticket campaign after the Covid emergency.

“I would have betrayed the esteem and trust of the fans if we had made season tickets last season when there were no conditions (turnout limits in the stadiums, ed) to guarantee the commitments…”, specified Lotito.

Derby of season tickets

“Now I will make the same prices as Rome on season tickets for next year – said the president of Lazio to Messaggero – and we will see how many subscribe to it …”. A comparison born in the wake of the happy results obtained by the Giallorossi club with the policy of “low” prices to fill the Olimpico. Also raising the enthusiasm around Mourinho’s team.

The wait for the relaunch of Lazio’s season ticket campaign had also been accompanied in recent days by rumors that indicated particularly advantageous conditions. The comparison with the prices of the season ticket campaign for Roma, which started on May 18, however, highlighted situations that are not exactly favorable to Lazio fans. At least in comparison with the prices adopted in the last season ticket campaign, that of July 2019. The prices launched by the Giallorossi club for the Curva and for the Distinti start respectively from 255 and 339 euros, at least for the first phase. Three years ago the sectors of Curva Nord and Distinti were offered by Lazio at 200 euros, at least for old subscribers, while the full price was 230. In any case, figures much lower than those that could be launched this week, if will follow the “line” of Rome. And in comparison, the Lazio fans, intending to subscribe, have already seen reasons for new discontent in an increasingly stormy relationship with the club’s presidency.
