Lazio-Sampdoria 1-0: goal by Luis Alberto

A right-footed shot by the Spaniard 10′ from the end allows the Biancocelesti to finish in fourth place with a point over Roma. Sampdoria penultimate

A long and tiring run-up by Lazio to get to the goal that unlocks the game and knocks out Sampdoria. In the 35th minute of the second half, a pearl from Luis Alberto packs up three points that bring Sarri’s team up to fourth place, waiting for tomorrow’s Roma match in Cremona. The signing of the Spaniard was decisive, he also scored in the two previous victories at the Olimpico against the Dorians. Very tight game, well controlled by Sampdoria until the goal. Stankovic’s team played with generosity and attention, only to lose pace in the final stages. At a distance, Lazio, after failing several good chances, asserted their greater quality through Luis Alberto’s great goal.


Sarri can recover Milinkovic and Pedro (on the field with a mask after the operation on the nasal septum), while Zaccagni and Romagnoli start from the bench. In defense, Lazzari returns from 1′ and Marusic is sorted into the left lane. Stankovic has to do without the injured Murillo and Duricic. Zanoli integrates the backward line. Rincon’s graft in the midfield advances Cuisance in the trocar. Samp immediately careful to block the gaps on the flanks. Maneuver Lazio, more prepared in the dribble phase. The Dorian pressing develops across the board. On 20′, Pedro looks for the goal: shot deflected by Amione for a corner. Immovable, betrayed by a rebound, he can’t find the coordination to shoot from a good position. Lazio fails to make verticalisations fluid. Sampdoria stretches: Leris stopped in the area by Marusic. Who on 29′ is quick to intervene to deflect a shot by Cuisance: chills for Lazio. On 34′, Zanoli anticipates Pedro with a shot. Pedro held back by Leris in the area: Colombo continues. Pedro’s new attempt: wide. In the 41st minute, the Biancocelesti were close to scoring: a blow from Felipe Anderson, after Audero Pedro’s rebound, he hit the post, Immobile didn’t hit the target. It was 0-0 at half-time with some booing from the Olimpico crowd.


The recovery starts with a more casual Sampdoria. In the 7th minute, Gabbiadini freed his shot from a sudden disengagement by Marusic: for Provedel. In the 11th minute, the attacker from Doria engages the Lazio goalkeeper again, this time with a header. Double substitution in Lazio in the 12th minute: Vecino and Zaccagni enter for Cataldi and Pedro. In the 15th minute, Immobile spoils a very good chance: high. Lazio imprecise in its plots. Lazio protests for a knockdown of Zaccagni by Leris. Increases the offensive intensity of the Biancoceleste team. On 23′, Marusic misses the target. Sarri asks his players to pick up the pace. Stankovic proceeds to make a double substitution: Gabbiadini and Cuisance leave, space for Rodriguez and Ilkhan. On 29′, Audero promptly opposes a fireball from Felipe Anderson. A high header from Casale. In the 35th minute Luis Alberto solves: his parable from outside the area gives Audero no chance and gives Lazio the advantage. Fifth league goal for the Spaniard. Samp tries to react: Lammers’ cue in the area is not finalized. In the 40th minute, Sarri brings in Basic and Hysaj for Milinkovic and Lazzari. Four minutes of recovery. Samp on the attack, Lazio on guard. The three points give strength to the Champions League ambitions of Sarri’s team.
