Lazio News – Lazzari’s exams results: groin pain confirmed

The conditions of Manuel Lazzari reported by Lazio, following the checks carried out today at the biancoceleste reference clinic

UPDATE JUNE 6 AT 20:50 – Today Manuel Lazzari he underwent some checks in the biancoceleste reference clinic, after leaving the retreat of the Italian national team. There Lazio reported the results of the exams: “The SS Lazio medical staff announces that the footballer Manuel Lazzari underwent clinical and instrumental tests today. Confirmed the picture of left acute groin pain, as already highlighted by the medical staff of the National team, warned during the last training sessions carried out by the athlete at the Federal Technical Center of Coverciano with the national team. The player has already started the specific treatment of the case and will be subjected to clinical and instrumental monitoring in the next few days to quantify the recovery times “.

Great surprise and amazement“are expressed by sources of Lazio to ANSA. Amazement in this regard”according to press reports. Statements followed by several statements that commented on the physical conditions of the Biancocelesti players Manuel Lazzari and Mattia Zaccagni“.

In fact, Lazio specifies that “In recent days, since before the meeting in Wembley, the medical staff of the National team, in the person of Prof. Ferretti, interfaced several times with the Biancoceleste teamin the person of Prof. Rodia.Act made as a practice in the context of collaboration between the national team and the club. Keeping him constantly informed on the conditions of the two players who presented some medical problems after the first training sessions.

June 2 – the reconstruction of the biancoceleste source continues -, the medical staff of the National team has definitively communicated to the club the decision to have them return home.As their physical conditions did not allow them to continue training and to be used in subsequent matches for the Azzurri“.”Following this communication – is still known from Lazio – the players have concluded the retreat in Coverciano and were subjected, upon their return, to the instrumental investigations of the case which confirmed the diagnosis of prof. Ferretti. Finally, Lazzari and Zaccagni underwent the first targeted therapies and are constantly monitored, as per the press release issued this morning by the company. The other reconstructions read in various media are therefore false and some comments totally unfounded“. these are the statements reported by ANSA.
