Lazio aims at Schouten: here is the director for Sarri

Operation worth 15 million, contacts with the Emilian club have already started. Torreira, Gedson and Boloca are the alternatives

Schouten puts his head before everyone. There is a turning point in Lazio’s hunt for a new playmaker. The candidacy of the Dutch midfielder from Bologna has jumped to the top of the list of players monitored by the Roman club for the role of director. In addition to Schouten, it includes the Uruguayan Torreira (Galatasaray), the Portuguese Gedson Fernandes (Besiktas) and the Italian-Romanian Boloca (Frosinone). In the background there would also be the dream of Jorginho (Arsenal), a dream which however seems destined to remain such, given the costs (especially the insurmountable ones of salary).

All about Schouten

Jorginho has been removed (or almost) but the other candidates remain standing. Schouten’s is currently the most credible for a number of reasons. First of all the technical ones. For Sarri, he has the ideal characteristics to best interpret the role of play. He is also the right age (26 years old) and also more than good knowledge of the Italian championship, given that he has been wearing the Bologna shirt for four seasons. But above all he is a type of footballer who is considered the ideal co-owner of Cataldi. Not so cumbersome as to overshadow the Roman (as would be Jorginho), but not too inexperienced, so as to be an alternative on which to rely little. Even the costs are such as to make this track feasible. Bologna estimates him at around 15 million, however a negotiable minimum figure. And even the player’s salary isn’t scary. Currently the Emilian club guarantees him a salary of around 1 million euros a year, Lazio could offer him one of 1.5 million per season. In short, Schouten is convincing from many points of view. And it is for this reason that there have already been contacts with Bologna which are preparatory to the opening of a real negotiation. The Emilian company is willing to sell him, provided however that his requests are fulfilled. Also because coach Thiago Motta would not be particularly enthusiastic about the sale of the Dutchman. In any case, Bologna is already looking for a possible replacement to protect itself. It could be one of the profiles that Lazio is also following, that of the Italian-Romanian Boloca.

The other three

Speaking of alternatives. That of the Frosinone player is the least convincing. Not because Boloca is not liked, but because, despite not being very young (24 years old), he has only two and a half Serie B championships behind him with Frosinone (before he played among the amateurs). The Turkish double track is much more intriguing, but in this case it is the costs that cool enthusiasm. Both Galatasaray for Torreira and Besiktas for Gedson Fernandes are asking for important figures. Also because they have no intention of selling their players. For Gedson, Besiktas wants no less than 20 million. For him there would also be the unknown factor of settling in Italy. A problem that Torreira would not have, who in our country played with Pescara (in Serie B), Sampdoria and Fiorentina (in Serie A). Even to get to him, however, would require a major investment. It is true that Galatasaray paid him just under 7 million a year ago (to Arsenal), but this year Torreira was one of the protagonists of the Super Lig victory by “Gala”, which would therefore let him leave only in front of an offer between 18 and 20 million euros.

And then Zielinski

The decision to opt for a slightly cheaper profile, that of Schouten, also depends on the fact that the new point guard will not be the only reinforcement for the midfield. A midfielder will also arrive. And he will arrive regardless of the possible departures of Milinkovic and Luis alberto. The strong candidate remains the Pole from Napoli Zielinski, who has not yet renewed his contract with the Neapolitan club. It is another operation worth around fifteen million euros. Lazio is ready to do it to give Sarri a Champions midfield.
