“Lay reservoirs in nature reserve against drought”

“Lay reservoirs in nature reserve against drought”

“I keep track of the statistics and come to the conclusion that we have a shortage of 250 liters per square meter on average per square meter for West Flanders. That is 25 buckets. That is a lot,” says weatherman Tom Dutoit from Izegem.

Savings basins in nature reserve?

To measure is to know and that certainly applies to weatherman Tom Dutoit. Last July was the second driest since the beginning of the sightings. Meanwhile, the groundwater level continues to drop. In the past, all attention was focused on the rapid drainage of rainwater. Now we are presented with the bill.

“In West Flanders we have enough open spaces and beautiful nature reserves where we can do something. Personally, I think: you do not detract from a nature reserve if you decide to build a reservoir there. That benefits nature.”

“More attention to the weather forecast”

A structural solution is one thing. But for many people, the drought and flooding is still a far-from-their-bed show. That is why the weather forecast should become a bigger part of the daily news reports, says Tom.

“We mustn’t take it too lightly. The weather forecast hangs almost at the end of a radio or television block and then quickly to the commercial. Use that to give some more information and not: that was it and it will be tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and good luck, we simply have climatic problems,” says Tom Dutoit.

As a weatherman, Tom helps large companies and event organizers, among other things, with the preparation of their planning.
