Lawyer of tenant Ruinerwold farm Josef B. retaliates court in Assen. Yehudi Moszkowicz: ‘Their verdict has already been passed’

Lawyer Yehudi Moskowicz avenged the court in Assen in the case against Josef B., a handyman and tenant of the farm of the children of Ruinerwold.

According to the lawyer, the court is biased. It concerns an earlier question from the judge to Josef B. ‘that the unlawful deprivation of liberty has been manifested by not registering the children’. Moszkowicz thinks the court has already passed its verdict and gave the appearance of complacency.

Lawsuit is on hold

The lawsuit is now on hold. A challenge chamber is now being formed, which must judge the lawyer’s challenge request. It is not clear when the criminal case can be resumed. The hearing may resume on Monday afternoon, but it could also take several weeks.
