Lawyer Knops: ‘No attack on the free press committed’ | 1Limburg

Former CDA minister and state secretary Raymond Knops stands for a free press and did not want to attack journalism.

That is what his lawyer Josine van den Berg says after the spicy statements by Knops about the Heerlen journalist Joep Dohmen. The politician from Hegelsom gave a lot of lessons against the journalist of NRC during a lawsuit on Thursday.

Never had any problems
Knops’ statements led to commotion at the journalists’ union NVJ, among others. He was surprised that a former minister accused Dohmen of fake news, for example. “My client has told his story as a private person,” Van den Berg responds. “As a politician, he has not attacked journalism. Knops stands for a free press. In his 25 years in politics, Knops has never had any problems with journalism. Only with the working method of this journalist, who wrote an article with false accusations against which he had to defend himself.”

Also read: Remarks Raymond Knops echo: ‘Very unwise’

According to Van den Berg, it is important that incorrect publications in respected media can be challenged. “NRC is known as a quality newspaper. That comes with a responsibility, because readers assume that what is written is correct.”

Right behind press freedom
The CDA also states in a succinct response that Knops has no problems with journalism in general. “Raymond stands up for our freedom of the press,” a party spokesman said.
