Lawyer and Coach Rossana Bril

Rossana, how were your beginnings as a Coach and for what purpose did you decide to dedicate yourself to that profession?

Legal Coaching arose in 2017, when I was finishing my certification process as an Ontological Coach, in one of the main Ontological Coaching schools based in Chile.

I came to that experience, due to a tremendous disappointment in my professional practice as an Environmental Lawyer, after winning a trial in the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, entering a very big crisis due to the harsh experience of seeing the darkest side of the world of law, colleagues, clients, judiciary, that whole ecosystem.

A friend told me about Coaching, and especially about Julio Olalla, who was also a Lawyer and Coach.

My basic training lasted two years, I was certified as an Ontological Coach and then an advanced Ontological Coach and a Coach in power and politics. It fascinated me, and there I observed that the “judicial and professional legal system worked this way because “we” the professionals involved operate from certain belief systems, archetypes and paradigms of competence that did not contribute to us or to society. And that the change that we all wanted depends on us, because we were and are the “system.”

I decided to be part of the paradigm shift, and invite and excite others.

What services do you provide as a professional?

My programs train Lawyers in soft skills, emotional intelligence, conscious listening, conscious negotiation, clear and transparent communication, leadership and self-leadership, collective intelligence, and especially the awakening of the professional’s human potential. We also train the skills of facilitators of complex processes, MARC – Agile Methods of Conflict Resolution. Collaborative Law, Conscious Contracts, Systemic Thinking and Systemic Law.

What benefits does this training generate?

More than three hundred Lawyers have gone through training, and each and every one of them have generated changes in their lives and have taken it to their professional field, resulting in personal and professional benefit, with a strong impact on society.

The paradigm shift proposed by the Lawyer with human power, is a collaborative, cooperative, empathetic accompaniment, which directly affects the construction of peace.

In the business or teamwork field, Legal Coaching trains leadership and self-leadership skills.

The challenge that is presented is to demystify the word Coaching, transcend the “judgments” or “prejudices” that the vast majority of legal professionals have, and be encouraged to integrate these tools, in pursuit of a greater good, something more transcendental.

Contact information:


Instagram rossana_bril

LinkedIn: Rossana Bril

Youtube: @rossanabril

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