Law on organic, a brand to protect the Italian organic

S.i will recognize at a glance: Italian organic products will soon have another symbol alongside the green leaf that protects organic production in Europe. And that is the Italian organic brandwhich will help us to recognize them effortlessly and with certainty (to know which one must wait for the implementing provisions).

“Foods grown and processed with organic farming methods in one of our regions: which have traveled little and which therefore have the added value of proximity”, explains Francesco Sottile, professor at the University of Palermo and member of the scientific group that deals with the Slow Food presidia.

Italy, first in Europe with an organic law

Italy is the first country in the European Union to adopt a national law. The others, like us until yesterday, are limited to transposing the European regulation on organic farming.

«Our role as pioneers is quickly explained: Italy is the market leader, with 16% of the agricultural area already dedicated to organic farming (the European average is 5%)“. The law proves that only 80,000 farms active in the sector do not believe in organic, not only 64% of Italians who have been buying organic for years, but also, finally, the institutions of our country.

Geese, horses and sheep among the rows to make BioIntegrale wine

Health per se and health for the environment

“Those who pay attention to their diet know that organic and Italian, especially when coupled, mean health”, continues Sottile: “Health for oneself, certainly, but also health for the environment”.

And health for those virtuous agricultural companies that do their best to avoid the use of synthetic chemicals on the fields. “The consumer today will be able to choose what to buy without doubts, sure to make a sustainable choice”, says the expert.

Organic and biodynamic: how different are they?

Francesco Sottile, professor at the University of Palermo and member of the scientific group that deals with Slow Food presidia – press office

In the text of the provision approved by the Senate it eliminates from article 1 of the text the equation of the biodynamic method with the organic one. «There was fear of endorsing procedures that some considered witchcraft used by biodynamic farmers», Sottile continues, «In reality they have been traditional methods for centuries. And in any case, those who make biodynamic agriculture certainly do organic farming, so the change to the text will not penalize them ».

In summary, biodynamic agriculture refers to teories developed in the 1920s by Rudolf Steiner which have as fundamental principles biodiversity and crop rotation (as in organic) but also the observation of the lunar phases and planetary cycles in sowing and cultivation and the use of “preparations”, ie self-produced biodynamic compounds, for the fertilization (much more controversial procedures).

The organic law provides, among other things, for the establishment of a technical table, a national action plan and a fund for the development of organic production.

