Lavrov: ‘real’ chance of World War III

Lavrov: ‘real’ chance of World War III

There is a real danger of World War III, Russian minister Sergei Lavrov told Russian state media. “The danger is serious, it’s real, you can’t underestimate it,” Lavrov said of the chance of a new world war.

The foreign minister also accused NATO of waging war with Russia via Ukraine. And war is war.” According to Lavrov, western weapons installations in Ukraine are legitimate targets for the Russian army. Lavrov said that an agreement will be reached with Ukraine anyway, but that the content of that agreement depends on the military situation.

According to Lavrov, Ukraine is only pretending to negotiate. “Benevolence has limitations. If it’s not mutual, it won’t help the negotiation process,” Lavrov said. Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky would be “a good actor”, according to the minister. “But if you focus on what he says, he contradicts himself thousands of times.” Despite this, he says that Russia is continuing its peace talks with Ukraine.
