Lavrov promised an early response to US and NATO security proposals

Russia’s response to the US and NATO proposals on security guarantees will be published soon, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov promised.

“Of course, we will publish this document. We have nothing to be embarrassed about,” the minister said, answering journalists’ questions after talks with Zbigniew Rau, Foreign Minister of Poland chairing the OSCE.

At the end of 2021, Russia handed over draft documents on security assurances to the US and NATO. The main requirement was non-expansion North Atlantic Alliance to the East.

On January 26, the US and NATO sent Russia written responses to Moscow’s proposals, while the Americans asked that these documents not be made public in full. According to US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, the Western countries did not make concessions of principle for Russia on non-expansion of NATO, however, directions for further negotiations were outlined.

Draft Russian response, according to Lavrov, already formulated on 10 pages and discussed with the President Vladimir Putin.


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