Lauterbach is assuming confirmation of the institution’s obligation to vaccinate

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach (SPD) assumes that the Federal Constitutional Court will confirm the compulsory corona vaccination for nursing and health staff. Before the verdict was announced this Thursday, Lauterbach said in Berlin on Wednesday: “I don’t want to speculate about an expectation.” But he believes “that we can then react accordingly”. Lauterbach also referred to the arguments presented in advance and said that he assumed “that the legality of the facility-related compulsory vaccination is actually confirmed”.

In the summary proceedings, the judges in Karlsruhe did not object to the vaccination requirement for hospital and nursing staff. In February, however, they critically noted that the law does not contain any more precise information on proof of vaccination and recovery./bw/DP/eas
