Lauterbach expects the Omicron vaccine in September

Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach (SPD) expects that a corona vaccine adapted to the Omicron variant can be used from September.

“We’ll get vaccine that protects against the omicron variants. We expect that in September, ”said Lauterbach in BILD am Sonntag.

He warned that the intervals at which new variants replaced the old were becoming ever shorter. “This means that we are less and less able to prepare for the mutations. It’s entirely possible we’ll get a highly contagious Omicron variant as deadly as Delta. That would be an absolute killer option.”

Lauterbach said vaccine against delta variants is available. “Our goal is to have enough vaccine for every citizen, no matter what variant comes. Then we’ll have an antidote for both an omicron and a delta variant.” Then you’re prepared for anything.

  (Photo: )
