Lauri Tähkä is accused of a sexual crime: The artist denies

The matter has been initiated at the beginning of June.

Jarkko Suo’s sexual crime charges were filed at the beginning of June.

Musician Lauri Tähkäproperly named Jarkko Suo49, has been charged with a sexual crime.

The criminal title in the indictment is coercion into a sexual act. Iltalehte is told by the district court in Kanta-Häme that the matter has started on Tuesday, June 6.

According to the district court, the events of the indictment took place on October 28, 2022 in Hämeenlinna.

According to information from Iltalehti, the artist had a gig in Jyväskylä on that day. Suo had a gig in Hämeenlinna the day before, i.e. October 27.

Iltalehti reached Suo’s representative by phone. The artist wanted to comment on the matter by email.

– I am not guilty of the alleged things, and I have given my own explanation on the subject to the authorities. I am confident that my innocence will be established in time, hopefully as soon as possible. I will not comment further on the matter at this stage, Suo commented to Iltalehti by email.

The prosecution has not yet been given a hearing date.

Be the first to report on it Evening News.

Lauri Tähkä, real name Jarkko Suo, started his career in 1995. EVENING PAPER
