Lauri Tähkä, accused of a sexual crime, will appear in court today

Forced to commit a sexual act is a crime.

Tähkä was charged with a sexual crime in June. Inka Soveri

Artist Lauri Tähkänproperly named Jarkko Suon, the sexual crime charge is being heard today in Kanta-Häme district court. The session is scheduled to start at 9 o’clock. Iltalehti is on site at the district court.

In June, Tähkä was charged with forcing a sexual act. According to the district court, the events of the indictment took place on October 28, 2022 in Hämeenlinna.

According to information from Iltalehti, the artist had a gig in Jyväskylä on that day. Instead, Tähkä had a gig in Hämeenlinna the day before, i.e. October 27.

This is what it’s all about

Forcing a sexual act means According to the Crime Victims’ Emergency Service, or Riku sexual acts other than intercourse.

It can be, for example, touching or a sexual act done in other ways. Sexual abuse can also be, for example, describing a person’s genitals and sexual intercourse. The victim does not participate in the acts voluntarily, or the act violates another’s right to sexual self-determination. An attempt at sexual misconduct is also punishable.

Forcing a sexual act means sexual acts other than intercourse. Inka Soveri

According to the law, being forced into a sexual act is punishable by a fine or imprisonment from fourteen days to three years.

Forced to perform a sexual act will be known as sexual harassment in the law that came into effect on January 1. In Tähkä’s trial, however, the law in force at the time of the act is applied.


In June, Tähkä commented on the criminal charge by email to Iltalehti.

– I am not guilty of the alleged things, and I have given my own explanation on the subject to the authorities. I am confident that my innocence will be established in time, hopefully as soon as possible. I will not comment further on the matter at this stage, Suo commented to Iltalehti by email.

Tähkä also wrote about it on his own Instagram account.

– A charge has been brought against me and I have given my own report on the subject to the authorities. I am not guilty of the things alleged. I am confident that this will be resolved in time, hopefully as soon as possible. At this stage, I cannot comment further on the matter, Tähkä wrote on Instagram.

Lauri Tähkä gigged throughout the summer. INKA SOVERI
