Lauri Salovaara gets confused in the Rich and penniless series

Lauri Salovaara’s huge weekly budget is confusing in the Rich and penniless series.

Entrepreneur Lauri Salovaara has to settle for a tighter weekly budget. FOUR

The Rich and Rich series will return to the screen next Wednesday on Nelose. Known as an entrepreneur in the first episode Lauri Salovaara youth worker changes home Jaakko Jääskeläinen with.

In addition to the home, men also change their weekly budgets.

Salovaara is in for quite a shock when his new budget is only 80 euros. Usually, a man spends approximately 1,500 euros per week.

– So the weekly budget is 80 euros. This is quiet. 80 euros, which should be enough to live on for a week. Wow. This is already emotional. Not that I can’t manage, Salovaara says while looking at the money.

Lauri’s weekly budget is a whopping 1,500 euros. FOUR

Lack of money makes a man think about his own financial situation.

– I feel like I’m really arrogant when there’s a certain kind of car and cabin on social media. Sure, it’s marketing, but it feels twice as terrible as what you’re reviving in it. Not everyone has the opportunity to do that, he states.

It’s the Jääskeläinen’s lucky day. There’s quite a bit of that in the chest on the table.

Jaakko gets to enjoy Lauri’s luxury life. FOUR

– What on earth? This is where the words run out. I didn’t expect such an amount – let alone the feeling of holding such an amount in your hand. Somehow, the concept of money disappears, it’s kind of his own feeling, the man adds, puzzled.

The rich and the penniless at Nelose on Wednesdays 19.10. from See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
