Laura Vilagrà, the vice-president ‘in pectore’

It was one of the recurring annoyances of the former partners of Together. They accused ERC of frequently acting as if they were leading a Monochrome executionry and the visible sign of this was the role played by the Minister of the Presidency, Laura Vilagrà. “She acts as if she were the vice president,” the postconvergents murmured indignantly, for example, when the ‘president’ Pere Aragonès received the ANC, behind the Dyad, flanked by her. And the truth is that Vilagrà’s portfolio was extensive, very wide. And with the formation of the new Government, after the internal consultation of Junts, still has widened more. “It was considered giving her the position of vice president”, a position that was created on her day for reasons more political than efficiency in the Government, “but in the end he has kept the position he had, but yes, in practice he will act as the ‘president’s’ right hand”, points out a Republican voice.

And it is that until CiU wanted to convert to Arthur More in the first among equals of the ‘consellers’ of the Government, naming him Minister in Cap, to make his hierarchy visible as heir to Jordi Pujol with respect to Josep Antoni Duran Lleida and, later, with the second tripartite, to also give packaging to Josep-Lluís Carod-Rovirathe vice presidency was created, the key position in the Executiu was that of Conseller de Presidencia. Xavier Trias can attest to it.

Relationship with Madrid

And in this context it is possible to understand that before this crisis of the Government, the role of Vilagrà was key. She has managed the relationship with the Government of Pedro Sánchez, via her counterpart Félix Bolaños. Both the Bilateral Commission, with the head of Territorial Policy, Elizabeth Rodriguez, to address competence issues, such as the preparatory work for the dialogue and negotiation table. With the Government he has addressed, and these weeks he is addressing, always discreetly, what the Republicans dubbed the ‘anti-repressive agenda’. But also with the CUP. Remember that those cases in which the Generalitat had person as accusation against detainees for altercations during the ‘procés’ demonstrations. “Accusations in which the Government of Quim Torra appeared”, recall republican sources as a dart for former partners and that Vilagrà has been studying to see in which cases could be withdrawn that persona.

In addition, in a deaf way, it is the interlocutor of the territory with the Government. It has been traveled a good part of Catalonia with the aim of strengthening relations, with the municipal elections just around the corner. Add also the entire public function and, for example, the promotion of women’s sports. Hence his leading role in all the controversy with Aragon about the Olympic candidacy for 2030.

Flurry Proficiencies

Vilagrà, beyond conserving all of the above, adds a series of new powers that, by alluvium, will fall to the Presidency. For example, the coordination and follow-up of the Government technical council, that until now was the responsibility of the defunct vice presidency. Just like the digital policies that, from now on, will be shared between Vilagrà and the owner of Company, Roger Torrent. Presidency will manage both the CTTI (Centre for Telecommunications and Information Technologies) and the Cyber ​​Security Agency. Company will manage the productive fabric. To give an example, the Mobile World Congress will fall to the former president of Parliament.

Related news

Of the old Department of Foreign Actionof Victoria AlsinaVilagrà collects everything that is Govern Obert that is, the integration of transparency policies, ‘open data’ and citizen participation.

Another very strategic folder arrives from the Conselleria d’Economia, the Secretary of Dissemination which formally “supervises and coordinates information and corporate communication services” and “institutional advertising”. That is, the creation and emission of the political message and the relationship with the media. In Vilagrà’s new portfolio, Aragonès has also added the management of the regional delegations of the Generalitat. And, finally, Religious Affairs.
