Laura Pausini’s solitude makes 30: the story of the song

THE 30 year career of Laura Pausini they land tonight on Rai 1 – 8.35 pm – a documentary film in the early evening Laura 30. The story of how the project of the live marathon of the singer to celebrate three decades since her debut. On February 27, precisely on the occasion of thirtieth anniversary of his triumph in Sanremo with LonelinessLaura gave three performances in 24 hours from New York to Madrid to get to Milan. A busy start to the year: just under a month later, the singer got married wedding with Paolo Cartahis guitarist, partner of 18 years.

Laura Pausini got married (surprise) with Paolo Carta: the images of the ceremony and the unreleased song

Loneliness turns 30 and is always at the top

30 years have passed since the singer from Solarolo, then 19 years old, performed her best known song in Sanremo. Immediate success: Pausini was classified first in the News section and from there he started to become the most awarded Italian artist in the world. Loneliness, with that “Marco is gone and never comes back”remains Laura’s most loved and well-known song.

The story and meaning of the song

The text, composed by Pietro Cremonesi, then employed at IBM, and Federico Cavalli, an advertiser, begins in a different way. Initially it was not Marco who left, but Anna. «I told my father that I wanted to sing that song, but changing the name, Marco, because the development seemed copied from what was happening to me. Marco was my boyfriend at the time and for this reason, when I sang that song, I got so excited». Laura told Gianni Minà. In the text there is his whole life: the seven-thirty train to go to study at the Ballardini Institute of Art and Ceramics in Faenzathe first love, his sentimental situation of the moment.

Actually the Marco di Laura did not leave to follow his father, but he betrayed her with a kiss to another. «It was my life when I was 17, a life similar to that of many girls from Solarolo. Only that me in addition to art school, homework, church and babysitting I also had the piano bar with my father Fabrizio. And I really liked playing the piano bar: I didn’t want to give up anything. So sometimes I was late in the morning to catch the 7.30 train that took me to school in Faenza. And like all teenagers, I was lost in love». he recounted.

Laura Pausini in Sanremo 2021, the great emotion on stage

Laura Pausini in Sanremo 2021, the great emotion on stage

A triumph that started from Sanremo

Success starts right at the Ariston. Laura Pausini presents Loneliness on February 23 at the first semifinal of the Sanremo Festival. On February 27, the triumph with 7,464 votes in the News section, ahead of Gerardina Trovato And Nek. “I hope all people understand that loneliness is defeated by deep values ​​such as love and friendship,” she said excitedly to the audience.

«The song had already been tried by other interpreters, but when that girl, so young, sang it in the studio, in front of us who had written it, well, I must say it was a great emotion», he says Federico Cavalli, one of the authors. «Laura Pausini seemed to “live” inside that piece. We immediately understood that it was magic. However, it was a long way from here to think about the success that would come. It is one thing to “function”, another is to “enter history”.

Laura Pausini in 1993. (Olycom)

At the time of the awards, Laura cries like a fountain and in a broken voice he thanked the orchestra «which told me from the very first rehearsals that it loved me». With victory in his pocket, he recalls his first night on stage «It was terrible. If I’m excited I get certain stomach cramps. When I started the song though, I recovered and forgot all the anxieties and pains I had before. In the following days it went better, even if all the interviews, the photo shoots… I didn’t think it was so chaotic».

Laura Pausini yesterday and today: the jacket with gold buttons revisited by King George

Laura Pausini still has the blue jacket with gold buttons and stitchingi with which she presented herself on the Ariston stage in the final. Previously kept in her parents’ house which has now become the headquarters of her fan club, she is in a display case. The singer also wore a marine look on other nights of the Festival.

To show us that the Nineties style Laura, with rounded bob, bangs and hairspray, still has in her heart those nineteen-year-old days landed at the Ariston, in the thirty-year live shows the singer offers a deja-vu: the famous jacket with golden buttons revisited by Giorgio Armani.

Loneliness: the success of the song

Loneliness has been published in several European countries and has had great success in Belgium (eight consecutive weeks at the top of the singles charts) e France. The Spanish version of the song, the soledad, released in 1994, it gave the singer great notoriety, who established herself in Spain (the album Laura Pausini was the best-selling that year), South America and the United States. In Italy the song was recorded several times with new arrangements. The most important is the one signed by Ennio Morricone in 2013, on the occasion of the Greatest Hits release.

And how can we fail to mention the interpretations scattered here and there, between duets and parodies? Those who regret the soap and water Laura of the early nineties, watch the video below, in which the singer, a few days after her victory in Sanremo, finds herself in Solarolo in a party with relatives and friends and sings Will Always love you by Whitney Houston e Loneliness with his sister Silvia.

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There is also the politically incorrect version of Checco Zalone, who plays Marco, who this time it’s back. This year however, Laura Pausini was a guest of the actor Fabio Brescia in the studios of Radio Marte e sang a version in Neapolitan of his historic piece.

