Laura Huhtasaari opens up about her life with her amnesiac mother

In Roope Salminen’s podcast, Laura Huhtasaari also talks about her father’s death, which happened unexpectedly last year.

In the podcast, Huhtasaari says that everyday life with her amnesiac mother is very difficult. Timo Korhonen

MEP Laura Huhtasaari (ps) talks about her family life and everyday life in a recent episode of Roope Salminen’s three turning points podcast.

Huhtasaari says that her mother suffers from a memory disorder. He describes one of the turning points in his life when his father died unexpectedly last year and Huhtasaari and his sister had to rethink their mother’s living arrangements.

Originally, Huhtasaari’s mother had moved to a nursing home, but her daughter didn’t think that was a good solution because of her loneliness. Huhtasaari himself had recently bought a new terraced apartment, but the apartment next door was also for sale. Huhtasaari sold his mother’s old house, and bought his mother a home next to his own.

My father’s death shocked me

Huhtasaari says that everyday life with a parent with dementia is very difficult, as it constantly changes shape. Salminen, the host of the podcast, states that he himself fears dementia even more than death. Huhtasaari agrees with the comment, saying that she never wishes for her own parents to die, but her father’s death raised a lot of thoughts.

– After all, God decides about life and death, it’s not in our hands, Huhtasaari tells Salmi.

Huhtasaari says that his father got cancer. The life expectancy had been given five years, which is why the death had come as a surprise to the family.

– Father was full-headed, he had a terrible zest for life. Somehow it came to me that why did my father die and my mother stay, it’s terrible to say that. Someone from Finland wrote: Death seizes the one who is full of life, but shuns the one who longs for it. Someone told me that Laura it always goes this way, Huhtasaari thinks in the podcast.

Roope Salminen’s Three turning points podcast can be listened to Podme– service.
