Launch Online Knowledge and Expertise Center A home for everyone (OKEC ETVI): the central information point for the accommodation of special needs groups and the elderly | News item

News item | 08-12-2022 | 09:55

Today the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK), in collaboration with, among others, the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS), the VNG, Aedes and IPO, is launching the Online Knowledge and Expertise Center A home for everyone (OKEC ETVI) . The online platform has been set up to support municipalities, provinces, housing associations, social organizations (including care and welfare organisations), project developers and other parties involved in the implementation of the measures from the A home for everyone programme.

Program A home for everyone

Finding a suitable and affordable home is becoming increasingly difficult for more and more people. For people in a vulnerable situation, the challenge is often even greater. This concerns, for example, homeless people, people who leave an intramural institution, status holders or labor migrants. These ‘focus groups’ are not only looking for affordable housing, but are also often dependent on extra care, work and guidance.

In the A home for everyone programme, the ministries of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, VWS, JenV, SZW, OCW, sector organizations IPO, VNG, Aedes, the G4 and the G40 work together to improve housing for vulnerable people.

Wide support

Knowledge, expertise and capacity are required to support the integrated cooperation between the various governments, social organizations and housing associations in achieving the objectives of the programme. To this end, a broad support structure is being set up from within the program (figure 1). This support is aimed at facilitating working with specific and new instruments and connecting the physical (housing) and the social domain regionally and locally.

The support structure is built up like a pyramid with an online knowledge and expertise center in the broad base.

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Central information point

The Online Knowledge and Expertise Center bundles all available information about housing for special needs groups and the elderly. Parties involved can use the platform for practical and expert information per focus group, including information about financial regulations, relevant guidelines, step-by-step plans and practical examples. You will also find information about relevant meetings, webinars and networking opportunities.

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Integral cooperation

The platform is being further developed on the basis of an integrated collaboration. The Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) does this in close collaboration with the VNG, Aedes, IPO and various social partners and experts, such as the Expert team Housing attention groups, Platform31 and the Taskforce Housing and Care.

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