Latin America repudiates the coup attempt in Brazil

  • Both the progressive governments and those more inclined towards the center condemned the actions of the Bolsonaro ultra-right

The attempt by the Brazilian ultra-right to seize the headquarters of the three powers of the State caused astonishment throughout Latin America. The progressive governments, close to President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, as well as moderate leaders in the region, almost in unison repudiated the coup adventure.

“Reprehensible and undemocratic the coup attempt by the Brazilian conservatives urged on by the leadership of the oligarchic power, their spokesmen and fans. Lula is not alone, he has the support of the progressive forces of her country, of Mexico, of the American continent and of the world,” said Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

“All my solidarity to Lula and the people of Brazil. Fascism decides to strike. The right wing has not been able to maintain the non-violence pact,” said Colombian leader Gustavo Petro, who called for an “urgent” meeting of the Organization of American States (OAS) to address what happened.

unpresentable attack to the three powers of the Brazilian State by Bolsonarists”, said Gabriel Boric from Chile. “The Government of Brazil has our full support in the face of this cowardly and vile attack on democracy.”

From Caracas, Nicolas Maduro, He also rejected “the violence generated by Bolsonaro’s neo-fascist groups that have assaulted the democratic institutions of Brazil.”

hate speech

For the Argentine Vice President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner “Today’s images in Brasilia exactly replicate those of the Washington Capitol.” And that, he added, “it is not accidental“. In his opinion, it is about “a phenomenon that, beyond the existence of organizers, financiers and managers (which there always are) captures segments of the population (including some against their own economic interests) to hack democracy”. Fernández de Kirchner expressed his confidence “in Lula’s experience to face this true” political and institutional challenge. “Hate speech in the media and social networks, the stigmatization of those who do not think alike, even wanting to suppressing his life and violence are the contemporary sign of the new rights. The essential repudiation or the necessary condemnation is not enough”.

Bolivia, Uruguay and Peru

“The fascists will always seek to take by force what they did not achieve at the polls. Our solidarity with the Brazilian people and President Lula,” declared his Bolivian colleague, Luis Arce.

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“We regret and condemn the actions carried out in Brazil that threaten democracy and institutions,” said Uruguayan President Luis Lacalle.

For her part, the interim president of Peru, Dina Boluarte, regretted the “bigoted onslaught of those who seek to impose their political vision, without respecting the law and democratic institutions”.
