Latest number of coronavirus cases

The Covid curve continues to decline for the third consecutive week in Catalonia and the diagnoses in primary care have been cut in halfup to 13,464 weekly, while those admitted continue to decrease and the ICUs remain stable at around fifty critics.

This is reflected in the epidemiological data from the week of July 18 to 24 that the Department of Health made public this Tuesday and that confirm the consolidation of the descent of the covid curve, after having reached the contagion peak at the end of June.

In the week from June 27 to July 3, 41,735 covid positives were diagnosed in primary care, which was the peak because in the following two weeks it already dropped to 37,922 and 27,111, and in the latter the cases have been reduced to half, to 13,464 (an average of 1,900 a day).

Less than 2,000 admitted although the ucis, stable

In a more moderate way, those admitted with covid continue to decline and drop from 1,805 to 1,530 patients in a week.

The ucis still not relievedbut they are stabilized around fifty patients: in the last seven days they have ranged between 46 and 57 critical, ending the week at 51 (last data from last Sunday).

The number of people admitted to the ICUs, which is a key element for Salut when evaluating healthcare pressure, is usually the last indicator that is relieved when there is a drop in the covid curve, since they are patients who may be days or weeks entered.

Older than 70 years

According to data from the Information System for the Surveillance of Infections in Catalonia (SIVIC), deaths also decreased, from 175 weekly in mid-July to 58 this last week, 90% of them over 70 years of age.

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The estimate of the weekly rate of covid -the equivalent of the incidence- decreases to 171 cases per 100,000 inhabitants and the BA.5 variant represents 80% of the sequenced samples.

In the last week, primary care diagnostico 29,380 cases of acute respiratory infections, almost half of them covid (13,464), while there were only 180 cases of flu, a virus that continues to decline.
