Latest number of coronavirus cases

The coronavirus still noticeable in hospitals in Catalonia, where the number of people admitted increases again. According to the latest data, there 1,285 people hospitalized (compared to 1,247 in the last report)of which 33 are in critical condition (five more). The main reference indicators also rise, confirming that the virus is expanding (Rt above one point). Positivity returns to January levelsmore than 20%.

The cumulative incidence at 7 days goes from 137 to 161 and that of 14, from 288 to 318. The regrowth risk (EPG), an indicator that measures the potential growth of epidemic and that reached on January 16 the maximum since the beginning of the health emergencywith 6,903 points, rises from 280 to 314. And the Rt indicates again that the virus is expanding, rising very slightly: from 1.05 to 1.06.

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Positivity is also very high, at 20.05%, each day further away from the 5% limit stipulated by the WHO to consider an epidemic controlled.

Despite the fact that the virulence of the coronavirus has nothing to do with what it was before vaccination, the virus continues to kill: 9 people have died in the last week. In total, since the start of the pandemic, there are already 27,573 people who have died from the virus.
