Latest number of coronavirus cases

The coronavirus continues to be noticeable in the hospitals of Catalonia, where the number of hospitalized patients increases: since Friday, when the last report of Health was notified, the number of hospitalized patients has gone from 1,126 to 1,163, of which 31 (the same figure), they are in the ucis. The virus has already claimed 27,386 lives in Catalonia: 42 people have died since Tuesday. The good news is that the indicators are down and the Rt is back down one point at 0.96.

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The regrowth risk (EPG), an indicator that measures the potential growth of epidemic and that reached on January 16 the maximum since the beginning of the health emergency, with 6,903 points, drops to 351 (from 391). Positivity is very high, at 19.8% (from 19.5%), far from the 5% limit stipulated by the WHO to consider an epidemic controlled.

Incidence at 7 and 14 days

The cumulative incidence of positives at 7 days per 100,000 inhabitants (IA7) is 183, compared to the previous 202, while the incidence at 14 days (IA14) is 389, compared to 404.
