latest news on the war in Gaza, the impact on Yemen and the Red Sea and reactions

In southern Gaza, ‘intensive phase’ of fighting nears end: Israel

The “intensive” phase of fighting in southern Gaza “will end soon,” Israel now estimates at a time when the Hamas administration estimates the fatalities of this expanding war at 24,000, that is, 1% of the local population that is still in the area. At the beginning of the war, which marked 100 days on Sunday, “we clearly said that the intensive phase of operations would last approximately three months,” said Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. “In the north of Gaza, this phase is coming to an end. In the south, we will get there and it will end soon,” added Gallant, about the epicenter of the fighting in recent weeks where, according to him, the “head of the snake”, the local leadership of Hamas.
