Last year, the pineapple tentacle drove the Finns wild – The new flavor is predicted to be an even bigger hit

Last summer’s pineapple tentacle was such a big hit that Hartwall is trying the same trick again. This is what the new taste of summer tastes like.

The ice belongs to the tentacle. Eeva Paljakka

Last summer, the pineapple tentacle became a phenomenon, which was a surprise even to its developers themselves. This year, Hartwall is trying to repeat the hit formula when it launches a new tentacle flavor.

This summer’s flavor is citrus. It has lemon, lime and yuzu fruit.

Hartwall’s tentacles development team was faced with a challenge when it had to develop a novelty taste similar to pineapple. No previous seasonal flavor has caused the same kind of hype as pineapple tentacle last summer.

After the research work, a flavor was found that has been the world’s summer drink above all others for centuries, namely lemonade.

Citrus flavors are also more familiar tentacle flavors than pineapple. For example, the taste of yuzu can also be found in Helsinki Distilling’s tentacles, so these are not completely new flavors in a tentacle can.

Hartwall expects a good reception

At the moment, it is exactly the tangy and fresh citrus flavors that are very trendy.

– We set out to explore this world of flavors and came across lemonade, which has been refreshing as a summer drink for centuries. Even in Finland, the first lemonades that went on sale were made by mixing citric acid and sugar with soda water, says Hartwall’s category marketing director for tentacles Heidi Rantala in the bulletin.

After the tests, a combination was found that has tartness, but without a strong bitter taste.

In consumer tests, lemonade has even beaten the test results of pineapple, so Hartwal believes in the success of lemonade.

– We dare to expect that the lemonade tentacle will also be well received, Rantala states.

We tested the taste

At the press conference organized by Hartwall, there was a chance to taste the lemonade tentacle.

The undersigned likes the taste of citrus anyway, so this drink tastes fresh and pleasant. Of course, taste preferences are always personal, but I liked this more traditional tentacle flavor more than the pineapple tentacle. Of course, lemonade also needs ice to keep the drink cold enough.

Not all lovers of pineapple tentacles may like the citrusy taste. Since the pineapple tentacle has such a large fan base, it won’t leave the selections.

The novelty lemonade flavor has been in stores since mid-March.

Iltalehti tested grapefruit traps in 2019. This is what the jury thought about them. ILTV
