Last year, nearly half a million service vouchers went into the wastebasket | Interior

PoliticsIn 2022, there were again 484,329 unused service vouchers that have exceeded their expiry date. Converted, this amounts to 11.3 million euros that spontaneously flows back to the Flemish treasury. In 2025 there will be a fully digital system that guarantees automatic reimbursement.

It is a known problem: because your purchased service vouchers are only valid for 12 months, there is a risk that you will not use them all up in time. In 2022, there were exactly 484,329 unused checks, compared to 703,189 in 2021. A slight decrease, but it is still a lot of money: also in 2021, 11.3 million went to the Flemish government. This is evident from the answer to a parliamentary question from Flemish Member of Parliament Tom Ongena (Open VLD) to Flemish Minister of Work and Economy Jo Brouns (CD&V). Minister Brouns wants to solve this problem by 2025 by fully digitizing the service checks: then the repayment can be automatic. But in 2023 and 2024, paper checks will also continue to exist – and will therefore end up in the trash again.

In total, about 82 million service vouchers were sold in Flanders last year. With these checks you can pay someone cheaper for household help such as cleaning or shopping. Anyone who thinks that he or she will not receive the purchased checks in time can have them refunded right up to the last minute or exchange them for new checks, which then remain valid for a full year. But a part therefore expires, often due to forgetfulness of the purchaser, theft or loss, or because the purchaser ultimately no longer needs household help.
