Last year 35 percent more suicides among young men: ‘Corona may have played a role’ Inland

Last year 1,859 Dutch people took their own lives, 36 more than in 2020. The number of suicides increased among men (by 67, to 1,295) and decreased among women (by 31, to 564). The largest increase is seen in men between the ages of 20 and 30.

The number of suicides in that category rose from 124 to 167, reports the Central Bureau of Statistics. That is an increase of 35 percent. In comparison, 70 women between the ages of 20 and 30 took their own lives.

Earlier this year, the Current Dutch Suicide Registration Committee (Cans) and 113 Suicide Prevention already raised the alarm about the large number of suicides among young men. A spokesperson said at the time that the exact cause of the increase was not yet known, but that the accumulation of corona measures could certainly have played a role.

You can talk about suicidal thoughts anonymously: chat via 113.nlcall 113 or call toll-free 0800-0113.

In 2021, a curfew was in effect for several months, among other things. The catering industry was closed for a long time or only open to a limited extent, and large gatherings and parties were out of the question because of the virus risk. In January, Minister Kuipers of Public Health also made a link between the number of suicides and the corona measures. He called the development “terrible, really terrible.”

Mental problems

Ruben van Gaalen, researcher at CBS, cannot make firm statements about the relationship between corona and suicide rates. “Previous studies have shown that more than 90 percent of people who commit suicide suffer from serious mental and psychological problems. It is possible that corona has now played a role in a number of cases, but that has not yet been investigated.”

There are also fluctuations in the figures from year to year, but the increase, as it is now for young men, is striking. “It’s just a bit more than what you might expect on the basis of chance.”

In absolute terms, most suicides occur in people between the ages of 50 and 60. Suicide is also much more common in men than in women. There are various causes for this, said Renske Gillisen of 113 Suicide Prevention earlier on this site. For example, men less often seek psychological help and more often opt for a method with more violence, which increases the chance that the attempt will be successful.

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