Last shopping before Christmas: ‘You shouldn’t come into the store all dressed up’

It’s all hands on deck at the supermarkets. Albert Heijn expects today to be the busiest day of the year because of all the customers doing Christmas shopping. The supermarket in Drenthe is also busy and the last Christmas gifts are being bought.

The parking lot in Gieten is full of parked cans from corner to corner. The supermarkets and shops around Stationsstraat are full of last-minute shoppers. According to supermarket owner Jan Abbas from Gieten, running a quick errand is no longer an option. “No, that’s really not going to work. You shouldn’t come into the store all excited because then things will really go wrong. So stay calm and many things are in stock; no problem.”

Shoppers with full bags also brave the rain and wind along the cascade in the center of Hoogeveen. Everyone celebrates Christmas differently. One goes for a nice walk, the other sits with family. Where one person has to miss someone, another receives a visit from abroad.

Would you like to see more about how Drenthe is preparing for the holidays? watch the video
