Last minute on the King’s decision to propose Feijóo

The king Felipe VI commissioned this Tuesday the leader of the PP and winner of the 23J elections, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, attempt an inauguration to become the next president of Spain. However, the popular ones do not have enough votes to reach an absolute majority that guarantees their return to the institutions, some support that the acting government, Pedro Sanchezis trying to collect.

The President of the Congress of Deputies, Francina Armengol, has confirmed that Feijóo’s investiture session will be held on September 26 and 27, an operation that, for now, seems doomed to failure. The PP would have 172 votes, four less than necessary to win. Those four votes can only come from the support of PNV or the abstention of Junts.

The wind is blowing in favor of Sánchez, who would have the votes of Sumar, EH Bildu and BNG and is negotiating to win those of ERC and Junts. The agreement of last Thursday the 17th in Congress, which used the support of the Republicans and those of Carlos Puigdemont to appoint the members of the Board of the Chamber and elect Armengol as its president, underpins the options of the general secretary of the PSOEwho has shown his willingness to submit to the investiture.

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Follow the last hour and all the news live after the general elections on July 23.
