last minute on the agreements, voting and its constitution

This will be the session

The constitutive session of Congress will start at ten in the morning with the designation of the Age Table that will direct the voting. The presidency is assigned to the oldest deputy, who in this case is the former socialist minister Cristina Narbona, and who will be assisted, as secretaries, by the two youngest parliamentarians, who are also from the PSOE: Ada Santana from the Canary Islands and the Catalan Ferrán Verdejo. After reading the names of the 350 elected deputies, the election of the Presidency of Congress will proceed by secret ballot and ballot box. The parliamentarians will write a name on a ballot and the person who obtains the vote of the absolute majority will be elected or, failing that, the vote will be repeated and it will be enough to have more votes. The PP presents its general secretary, Cuca Gamarra, and calculates a support of 171 votes: 137 from the PP, 33 from Vox and one from UPN. In front will be the socialist Francina Armengol, who also starts with 171 supports (121 from PSOE, 31 from Sumar, seven from ERC, six from Bildu, five from the PNV and one from the BNG).
