Last minute of the investiture of Pedro Sánchez, live

The PSOE asks Feijóo to respect the 23J result

The spokesperson for the PSOE Executive and acting Minister of Education, Pilar Alegría, celebrated this Thursday that Spain is closer to having a Government of progress and coexistence after the agreement signed with Junts, which pays for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez, and has asked the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, to abandon the strategy of “lies and hate” and respect the result of the polls on July 23. In a statement from Ferraz without questions, Alegría highlighted that that day the Spaniards “said ‘no’ to a Government of the PP and Vox and ‘yes’ to a Government of the PSOE, they said ‘no’ to the setback and the confrontation, and they said ‘yes’ to the agreement, to coexistence and to the policies of equality, peace and progress.” And that was why the PSOE, he said, has worked “from the first moment” to respond to that 23J result, sealing agreements with different political forces to move forward with the investiture of Pedro Sánchez “and achieve a legislature that allows that this country continues to advance in the silk of growth, of the consolidation of rights and of coexistence”. “The PSOE works to consolidate the rights achieved and not let the past condition the future, in short, to always build a better country,” said the socialist leader, adding that the real Spain, in addition to being “plural” and “diverse”, is recognized in the 350 deputies confirmed by Congress, “which is where national sovereignty resides and where democratic majorities approve laws.”
