LAST MINUTE | Mesut Özil’s manager announced! High probability of retirement

Fenerbahce’s new coach Jorge Jesus did not consider it in the squad, a statement came for Mesut Özil.

The experienced star’s manager, Erkut Söğüt, said in a statement to the British press, “I don’t think Mesut will play for another team from now on, I can’t see that. Just Fenerbahce, that’s it. Two more years from his contract, if he has to, he is more likely to retire rather than looking for another club. ” said.

Continuing his statements about Mesut Özil, Söğüt said that the star football player will enter e-sports after his football career. Erkut Söğüt said, “Mesut will be more involved in e-sports after football, maybe an e-sports player. To be honest, he’s really good at Fortnite and I think I wouldn’t be surprised if he competes one day.”

Erkut Söğüt, who also spoke about the posts made by Mesut for the Uyghur Turks when Özil played for Arsenal, described the 34-year-old football player as the ‘Muhammed Ali’ of football and said, “Mesut Özil is a hero because he is outspoken and does what others cannot say. says,” he said. Söğüt, who also criticized Arsenal’s attitude towards the star player in Mesut Özil’s posts for the Uyghur Turks, said, “Arsenal has always been a politically neutral club, but now they are not neutral. Now they express their views on issues in the world. When Mesut does this, he said, ‘We don’t want to discuss such things. ‘ they said.” made its assessment.

Finally, “Does Mesut have any regrets about his Arsenal career?” Erkut Söğüt, who was asked the question, said, “No, he loved the club when he played for Arsenal, it just didn’t end as he wanted. Many football players can experience this. For example, Aubameyang had to leave too. This is football.” made the statement.
