Last minute: Mehmet Büyükekşi is officially the new president of TFF!

Mehmet Büyükekşi, who was the only candidate in the Extraordinary Election General Assembly of the Turkish Football Federation, was elected as the chairman. Büyükekşi’s list of candidates for the board of directors has been announced.

The list of the board of directors of TFF President Mehmet Büyükekşi was as follows;

While Hamit Altıntop, Ali Dusmez and Alkin Kalkavan from the former administration are also on Büyükekşi’s list; For the first time in the history of the federation, female administrators were also registered to the TFF management. The full list of Büyükekşi consisted of the following names;

Murat Aksu, Yalçın Orhan, Yusuf Günay, Nükhet Küçükel Ezberci, İdil Karademirlidağ Suher, Erman Kalkandelen, İbrahim Burkay, Alkın Kalkavan, Ramazan Üçdan, Müslüm Özmen, Hamit Altıntop, Ali Fallmez, Talat Papatya, Volkan Can.

Hamit Altintop, Ali Dusmez and Alkin Kalkavan were also in the previous administration.
