Lars likes little more than the profession of a bicycle repairman: ‘Technology never gets boring’

As a child, Lars Dat didn’t like much more than technology. He took apart printers and other devices to see how they work. In high school he developed his love for the profession of bicycle repairman. Thanks to Qredits, he now has his own bicycle shop in Zoetermeer: ​​Dat Tweewielers. “My company is growing in small steps.”

Lars did not disassemble devices to demolish them. “I wanted to see how something works, what parts it contains and how I can repair a device,” he says. “In high school we were taught bicycle technique for a while. I found that quite interesting. That is why I decided to follow the training to become a bicycle mechanic. A diploma is not mandatory in my profession, but I think it is important to know as much as possible.”

Making bicycles in a shed

After graduating, Lars soon noticed that he would rather not work for a boss. “That’s why I decided to repair bicycles as a self-employed person from a shed in my parents’ garden. I only had six square meters of space there and quickly grew out of it. It actually ran smoothly right away, so I was able to open my own store in 2019.”

Dat Tweewielers is the place to be for bicycle repair, maintenance and accessories. For example, Lars also sells child seats and helmets for children and adults. “We also repair everything: from an old granny bike to a sports bike worth thousands of euros.”

Help from Qredits

That own shop on the Florence Nightingalelaan in Zoetermeer would not have been possible without the help of Qredits, an organization that helps start-ups with credit, training and coaching. “I had start-up capital necessary, but I’m not very fond of borrowing. Because I only wanted a small amount, I was rejected at many banks. Moreover, as a starter it is difficult to get a foot in the door at the bank. I had to supply everything that I didn’t have yet, such as annual figures and my own money.”

Take by the hand

At Qredits it was different. His business advisor Monique eventually offered Lars a loan, but did much more. “Qredits, for example, has a business plan template for a business plan that turned out to be very useful. Monique also gave me all kinds of tips to start and grow my company, for example about budgeting and preparing the greenhouse. With other parties you already need to know exactly how entrepreneurship works and what you need from them. Qredits takes you by the hand through the process and offers support when needed.”

Dot on the horizon

Although Lars is happy with Qredits, he hopes to be able to grow further without help. “I’m fine with my business growing slowly, without a big cash injection. I prefer to save for a while before making big investments. For example, I just added a helmet rack to the store. In the future I hope to open a second branch where I can sell new bicycles. That is the dot on the horizon.”
