Larisa Andreani: “Thank the team that I have to lead. Art transforms us and unites us”

“Thank the team that I have to lead. Arteba creates a market for more people to enter the market. Art transforms us and unites us,” he said Larissa Andreani, a guardian of art who with her leadership gave new impetus to the arteba fair His words were within the framework of the recognition he received from NEWS as one of the 10 most outstanding Argentine personalities of 2022.

After going through one of the toughest crises in its history, arteba, the most important contemporary art fair in the region, looked renewed, attractive and with new dynamism this year. And the person in charge of this institutional refresh, which was noted both in the success in the sale of works and in the 65,000 people who attended the last edition, was the president of the foundation Arteba, Larisa Andreani.

This 47-year-old woman, Bachelor in International Business, leads the foundation since 2020, and he knew how to return to this event the brilliance that has characterized it over the years. As a great promoter of Argentine art in the world, she not only expanded the scope of a fair in which more than 400 artists from all over the country participated, but also promoted initiatives that provided sustainability and social impact.

In this sense, for the first time an art and sustainability program was launched curated by Sofía Dourron. One of the main commitments of this project was to work to reduce the carbon footprint, an issue that already occupies the main environmental debates in the world. The Coexistence program was also inaugurated, aimed at including people with disabilities in visits to the fair. Another novelty of this edition was the incorporation of a space for projects oriented to digital formats and non-fungible NFT or token, that have been revolutionizing the world of art and changing the way it is marketed.

Larisa’s hallmark is teamwork. For this reason, these innovations were carried out in conjunction with the Board of Directors of the Arteba Foundation, made up of ad honorem persons who are in charge of its guidelines and actions.

Arteba is a non-profit foundation that has been working for 30 years to encourage national artistic productions and promote the circulation of works of art so that they increasingly reach a larger audience.

Andreani, With her warmth, passion for art and previous experience as president of the Friends of the Museum of Modern Art Association, she was able to interpret and prioritize the spirit of one of the fairs that, due to its quality, makes Argentines most proud.

by RN

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