Large-scale police operation at BER! 400 travelers stay with the train

Train stopped - police and fire brigade airport BER

Train stopped – police and fire brigade airport BER Photo: spreepicture

From BZ/dpa

At around 7 p.m. on Monday evening, a train stopped in a tunnel at Willy-Brandt Platz.

About 400 travelers are stranded on the train. A spokeswoman for the federal police said that the Airport Express was traveling from Berlin Airport Berlin-Brandenburg (BER) towards the city center when it stopped near the district of Bohnsdorf.

He was then dragged back to the train station at BER, where people could get off.

“We currently have no indication that there were external influences, we are currently assuming a technical defect on the train,” said the spokeswoman. The exact cause is still under investigation.

According to initial findings, no one was injured. However, as a precaution, the airport fire brigade and the district triggered a large-scale operation.


Airport BER
