Large fire in warehouse at metal recycling company Purmerend

A fire broke out in a building on Hertzstraat in Purmerend last night around one o’clock. It concerns a raging fire in a warehouse of a metal recycling company. It is still unclear whether anyone was injured.

The fire brigade is currently working with several units to get the fire under control. “Fortunately, it is a detached building,” explains the spokesperson for the Zaanstreek-Waterland security region. “That is favorable, then it will not quickly transfer to another building.”

Hazardous Substances

The fire started around 1 am last night, it is still unclear how the fire could have started. It is also unclear whether people were present in the warehouse last night. “But I don’t think it worked,” said the spokesman.

Because the fire is raging in a metal recycling company, a consultant in the field of hazardous substances has also been called.

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