Large fire at Picnic: three electric cars on fire

At Picnic, a distribution company on Schepnetstraat in Purmerend, fire broke out this afternoon in at least three electric vehicles. These have since been extinguished by the fire service.

The fire broke out around 5 p.m., at least three of the cars in the parking lot caught fire. A spokesman for the security region is just on site when he speaks with NH. “As far as I can see, about three vehicles have caught fire, but the exact number is not clear at this time.”

It was soon scaled up to a large fire. This was done because there was a chance that the fire would spread to the building next to the parking lot. The fire service was able to prevent this, and the fire has now been scaled down again. The spokesperson says that as far as it is clear, no people have been injured by the fire. The security region warns to avoid any smoke.

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