Large crowds at gas stations after the reduction in fuel tax

From BZ editors

According to the industry, the reduction in fuel tax that will apply from June 1 will lead to considerable logistical difficulties.

“Many motorists who held back when filling up before the deadline want to fill the tank more cheaply,” said Hans-Joachim Rühlemann, chairman of the North-East Association of Garages and Gas Stations, the German Press Agency.

Then there will be a large rush, as many would come up with the same idea. Customers at the gas stations have to expect that the tanks there are relatively empty, especially in the case of independent and medium-sized companies. Because everything that the major oil companies delivered to the gas station by May 31st will be charged at a higher price than from June 1st. “Of course, the gas stations also want to buy at a lower price,” he said.

On June 1st, the tax rate for petrol will be reduced by almost 30 cents and for diesel by 14 cents. Value added tax is no longer due on the part of the energy tax that has been omitted. The tax relief is thus 35.2 cents per liter of petrol and 16.7 euros per liter of diesel. The association recommends consumers who do not necessarily depend on their car to have the tank a quarter full. For commuters, it should be at least half a full tank.

The gas station operators did not benefit from the tax cut, said Rühlemann. The situation is still tense for the industry, especially for companies on the German-Polish border. Since February, they have had to cope with a drop in sales of up to 75 percent. “People have had their backs to the wall for months and are selling practically no fuel,” he said.

They are desperately waiting for prices to go down in Germany. Then the tank tourism to Poland and other European countries will decrease significantly, said Rühlemann. The price difference will remain, but will be significantly smaller. Trips to Poland, for example, would no longer pay off.

There are currently some gas stations whose situation is critical. But nobody has had to give up yet, as Rühlemann said. About one cent is earned per liter of petrol. There must be more money from the oil companies. Fuel sales account for a large part of sales, but only a small part of profits. “We live from the sale of coffee, rolls, newspapers and cigarettes.” The pumps would bring the customer frequency.

The association looks after around 80 to 100 petrol stations in Brandenburg and 150 in Berlin.
