Larense councilor does not return after surgery | News

Laren councilor Frits Westerkamp will not return to the daily municipal council. Last summer he was diagnosed with lung cancer. He underwent surgery in October.

After the 2022 elections, Westerkamp became alderman for housing, spatial planning and traffic on behalf of Larens Behoud.

“I am slowly recovering physically after having pneumonia and corona after the operation,” Westerkamp wrote to the city council. “But I did give up a lot. Mentally, the cancer appears to have a much greater impact than I thought.”

Councilor Frits Westerkamp © gem. Laren


Mayor Nanning Mol understands the decision. “Frits has enthusiastically committed himself to our village. He was the driving force behind Ons Laren, the new way of involving residents and developing the ideas about the natural pond on the Brink. The municipal council is grateful to him for his efforts and wishes him the best of luck with his recovery.”

Westerkamp is currently being replaced by Jan den Dunnen, who has been appointed by the municipal council for the duration of the sick leave. It is recommended that a new appointment be made. The party of the two aldermen, Larens Behoud, will make a proposal for this.
