On New Year’s Eve, the young Australian shepherd Lara was frightened by fireworks, she ran away and never came back. Her owner Marie-Louise Vorstenbosch searched for the animal in her hometown of Sint-Oedenrode and the surrounding area for a week, but without results. Until today.
Marie-Louise was out early on Sunday morning after receiving a phone call. “We received messages from people who had seen Lara near the A50. She was said to have crossed the highway. But when we were there, she was nowhere to be found,” said Vorstenbosch.
It had happened like this many times in the past few days. People kept their eyes open and regularly let us know if the animal had turned up somewhere again, but when Marie-Louise went to look, Lara was nowhere to be found.
On New Year’s Eve, Lara escaped during a walk when children threw fireworks at her. Later it turned out that she had walked back home, because her blood was on the front door. Marie-Louise feared that the dog might have been hit, but since then there has been no trace.
Even sniffer dogs were used to find Lara and bring her home safely, but nothing worked as well as observant people who continuously gave tips about Lara. On Sunday afternoon the redeeming phone call finally came: “She was standing near the fence with people on Fitselsteeg. Those people took her in and started searching on the internet. They found my call there, so we went there and it was her!”
Her owner is very happy: “Our Sunday can’t go wrong anymore. I’m so happy that we found her before it gets so cold. We’re taking her home, we’re going to spoil her and we’re going to buy a tracker,” Marie laughs. -Louise. “Then we can always find her again.”
Considering the circumstances, Lara is doing well. “She has become a bit thinner and has some damage to her legs, but that is normal,” said a very happy owner.
Lara’s owners thank the volunteers of the search team Where is our Angel, AnimalCare Brabant and the sniffer dog team H-Dogs-H-Dogsearch from Duizel for searching.
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Lara was shocked by fireworks and escaped: ‘There was blood on the front door’