Lange wins Ironman with marathon record

Two-time world champion Patrick Lange has won the Ironman in Israel.

The Hawaii winner of 2017 and 2018 prevailed in Tiberias after 3.8 kilometers of swimming, 180 kilometers on the bike and a final marathon run in 7:42:00 hours.

That was the best long-distance time so far for the 35-year-old, who lives in Austria. He also managed the fastest marathon ever run in a long-distance triathlon in 2:30:32 hours. “Super exciting to win the Middle East Championships here in Israel,” wrote Lange on Instagram.

At the finish he was 1:40 ahead of Dane Daniel Bäkkegard and 5:02 ahead of Italian Gregory Banaby. Florian Angert was seventh, ex-world champion Sebastian Kienle twelfth.

In the women’s category, Daniela Bleymehl achieved a strong second place. In 8:50:13 hours, the Darmstadt native had no chance against Britain’s Ruth Astle, who crossed the finish line nine minutes ahead of her.
