Lando Norris “hates” the new cars

With the introduction of numerous rule changes, Formula 1 wanted to make the racing series more exciting and balanced in 2022. F1 driver Lando Norris has now stated that he is not at all a friend of the cars of the new era. He is pessimistic about the future.

At the end of 2022, Lando Norris spoke very clearly about the rules introduced by the FIA ​​at the beginning of the season and their effects on driving behavior: “I hate the cars compared to last year (2021, editor’s note. ) to drive,” said the Brit to “”. They “won’t be as much fun as the cars in previous years,” said the 23-year-old.

The 2022 season was the first to use the current generation of F1 cars. Changes were made to the cars’ aerodynamics, tyres, fuel and wheel covers, for example, to improve safety and encourage closer racing around the track.

The duels between Max Verstappen and Charles Leclerc at the beginning of the season should probably be seen as positive consequences of those changes, although the phenomenon of “porpoising” is probably one of the negative aspects. What also worries Norris: “You’re also a little limited with the set-up.”

Norris: “If anything, it’s only going to get worse”

Meanwhile, the McLaren driver does not have too high hopes that driving fun will return in 2023. “I don’t think anything will improve unless there are big changes. But I don’t know what changes are planned,” said the World Cup seventh last season.

Norris even fears: “If anything, it will only get worse, because the more downforce you have on the car, the worse it will be.”

The new season of Formula 1 starts on March 3rd in Bahrain. The winter tests will take place there from February 23rd to 25th.
