Landgraaf revises: coalition with three parties | 1Limburg

At first it seemed that Landgraaf was going for a coalition with five parties, then it became only two and in the end the coalition still consists of three parties. Elderly Party Landgraaf (OPL) is still participating.

This means that the two largest parties GBBL and CDA and therefore OPL will form the coalition with two seats. This brings the number of seats to 17.

No alderman’s post
Incidentally, the Elderly Party Landgraaf does not supply an alderman. That was previously the sticking point with the three one-person factions VVD, PvdA and GroenLinks. Initially, the intention was to involve these parties in the coalition. But they could not agree on the number of alderman posts. VVD, PvdA and GroenLinks wanted to supply two aldermen. GBBL and CDA did not want to go further than one alderman’s post.

Also read: Coalition Landgraaf with two instead of five parties

Coalition agreement ready
The three intended coalition parties have now completed a coalition agreement that will hold the title Build a stable future for everyone has got. Formateur Andy Dritty will explain the covenant on Friday together with negotiators and party leaders Patrick Mevissers (GBBL), Stijn Kropman (CDA) and Wil van Oosterom (OPL).

For the past four years, Landgraaf had a coalition of GBBL and CDA. GBBL lost its absolute majority in the elections, falling from 13 to 11 seats. She was by far the biggest. The CDA won one seat and went from 3 to 4 seats in the city council. The Elderly Party Landgraaf remained the same on 2 seats
