Lamsoor provides beautiful flower carpet in Zwin Nature Park

Lamsoor provides beautiful flower carpet in Zwin Nature Park

Sea lavender flowers once a year and is a real crowd pleaser. You can admire the plant until the end of August.

The Zwin Nature Park is the only place in the country where the salt-tolerant plant blooms so en masse. This is because the seawater storms into the nature reserve twice a day. Ina De Wasch, director of Zwin Nature Park: “In 2019, the Flemish government expanded the Zwin, so more hectares have been added and the Zwin channel has also been deepened and widened. As a result, more seawater comes in and we see that we have more and more sea lavender every year. In recent years, we have seen sea lavender blooming earlier and earlier, because spring is getting warmer.”

Sea lavender owes its name to the shape of the leaves. It is important to know that the plant is not edible.
