Lamme Frans has been in the carnival business for 11 years and is celebrating this with an anniversary show

Hands! Hands! Flower festival! Lamme Frans has been in the carnival business for 11 years and will celebrate later this year with a dazzling, confetti-drenched anniversary show full of spectacular guest performances in the Klokgebouw in Eindhoven. In the meantime, he is recovering incognito from a crowded carnival sanctuary. Last week he was seen on numerous Brabant carnival stages. “It’s a dream come true when I say ‘Fijnfisjenie!’ at 3 Uurkes Vurraf after the countdown. may deploy.”

It was in 2013 that Lamme Frans released his first song ‘All in One’. Frans wrote a carnivalesque text to Nielson’s song, with lots of beer and other drinks, in short: he drinks everything in one. “That text is not only autobiographical, but it is still written out on the original beer mats on my wall.”

Beer, tubas and trombones
After that first song, a new hit followed almost every year. “You can make a nice carnival song from all songs. It’s mainly about the idea and the story you want to tell in the song. Add some beer, tubas and trombones and a lot of confetti and nothing can really go wrong.”

For 11 years, Lamme Frans has been stringing together carnival hits with famous highlights such as ‘Wakker Met Een Beertje’, ‘Fijnfisjenie!’ and of course ‘Handjes Handjes Bloemetjescurtain’. “A real carnival anniversary, Of course we should have a good toast to that!”said the cheerful carnival singer.

Saturday before 11-11
As if his epic marathon of the last carnival 2024 wasn’t enough, Lamme Frans is launching the ‘Handjes Handjes Bloemetjesfestijn!’ On Saturday, November 9 in the Klokgebouw in Eindhoven: the Saturday before the Eleventh of the Eleventh.

Who will be on the podium with Frans will remain a surprise for a while. “I’ve already called several people and they were all super enthusiastic.” There may be special duets or other collaborations between party artists before then.
