Lady Gaga live in Dusseldorf: Tickets, directions, weather

First dance-pop, then Americana, and now dance-pop again. Lady Gaga rediscovered her musical roots on her latest album CHROMATICA. Now she’s going on a world tour with the record, making a stop in Düsseldorf right at the start. We have all the information about the concert on July 17 at a glance.

At 7:30 p.m. Lady Gaga is supposed to be on stage in the Merkur Spiel-Arena. Unfortunately not much more is known. The exact schedule for the concert has not yet been determined. It is not yet clear who will be the opening act.


are online here there are still a few tickets to be had. In the seating area, they cost from 71 to 151 euros. Those who prefer to dance can buy standing room tickets from 117 euros.


You can easily reach the Merkur Spiel-Arena by public transport. The best thing to do is to take the 78 underground line to the “Merkur Spiel-Arena/Messe Nord” stop, which runs every five minutes on event days.

If you want to travel by car from the north, it is best to take the A52 or the A3. You can reach your destination from the west via the A57 or the A44 and from the south via the A57 and A59. The “Düsseldorf-Messe/Arena” exit on the A44 leads directly to the Merkur Spiel-Arena.


The signs are good. On July 17th there will be undisturbed sunshine all day long in Düsseldorf with temperatures of 12 to 28 degrees. During the night it will probably remain clear and the temperature will drop to 16 degrees.
