Ladies of Soul under fire now that Glennis Grace remains a member

The Ladies of Soul are under fire now that Glennis Grace remains a member of the women’s quartet after her sorry film. Many concertgoers are bewildered. “Unbelieveable!”

© Ladies of Soul

Glennis Grace plans to get away with her brawl in the Jumbo. She just wants to get back on stage with the Ladies of Soul and has therefore recorded a sorry video. It seems to be part of a PR strategy, because immediately afterwards the women’s quartet finally released a statement after a month and a half.


The Ladies of Soul basically just keep Glennis on board. “After a period of self-reflection, Glennis has shared a personal message in which she sincerely apologizes to everyone involved in the incident at a supermarket. She also takes responsibility for her own share.”

The group continues: “As Ladies of Soul, we obviously regret the incident and have been reluctant to communicate out of respect for everyone involved. It’s a very nasty set of circumstances that should never have happened. Justice is conducting a thorough investigation and we rely on that.”

Glennis there

It may take some time before the investigation is completed, the Ladies said. “Our concerts are scheduled for September 23 and 24 and will continue. Glennis has been a valued member of Ladies of Soul from day one and we hope she will be one of them by then. In the meantime, we will continue with the preparations for the concerts with the creative team.”

The Ladies hope Glennis will be there. But those excuses aren’t believable at all, are they? Frank Dane in Boulevard: “Johan Derksen doesn’t think it’s all that sincere, I also doubt a little bit myself. I think it’s also because of the timing. (…) It seems a bit stripped, don’t you think? As if it has been thought too well.”

Under fire

Meanwhile, the Ladies of Soul on their own Instagram page quite under fire from their fans. “I believe that everyone should pay a price for Glennis’s action, including Glennis!” says Irene, for example. “Just skip a year and see how she will behave next year!”

Irene is disappointed in the other Ladies, namely Candy Dulfer, Edsilia Rombley and Berget Lewis. “Sorry, but you can’t reward her for this behavior. (…) I am of the opinion that this is not possible. Just carry on without Glennis this year and then see next year! Her excuse seems like an excuse on command, to be able to compete in September.”

‘This really can’t be!’

The people are stunned. Mary: “Too bad. Ladies of Soul, this really can’t be!!!!!!”

Saskia: “Can I still return the cards?”

Bella: “Indeed, I let them have them for free.”

And Ria: “Very right!! Would do it too, and hope many follow you! Find this a ‘mockery’ to save their own income. If the three ladies were sensible, they would have distanced themselves from Glennis. In terms of singing great, but in real life an aso tut!!!”


And so it goes on. Han: “Unbelievable. It’s all about money and nothing else. Nice example to still call you Ladies. In the USA they have another name for these kind of ladies.”

Ryan: “Incomprehensible choice. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty, including Glennis. But it would have been wise until you had waited for that moment. I get the feeling that a decision has already been made for commercial reasons. It would have been more appropriate here to put a stop to it.”

And Pieter-Jan: “To puke that woman.. what apologies. They should boycott you!”
